Taking Control of Your Funeral
Advance funeral planning is referred to as “pre-arranging,” “pre-planning” or “pre-need.” It is a simple process that can take as little as two hours.
People who pre-plan can:
• Choose a remembrance that reflects their personal wishes,
• Provide funds to carry out their plan,
• Better position themselves for Medicaid Eligibility, and
• Offer guidance to family and friends who will need help with difficult decisions at a stressful time.
The New Jersey State Funeral Directors Association offers pre-paid funeral funding options which are available through participating funeral homes. Information is available at New Jersey Pre-paid Funeral Trust Fund.
For additional information on pre-planning, refer to the following NJSFDA links:
• Facts About Pre-planning and Pre-paying Funeral Arrangements
• Pre-need Consumer Protections
• Pre-planning Guidelines